
Friday, July 17, 2009

after 16 years. Vibe Media Group confirmed Tuesday that the publication - as well VibeTV and Vibe Books - has been shut down effective immediately.

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The Real Rap issue for June/July will be the mag's last, although August's issue featuring the Dream had already been completed

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According to Publishers Information Bureau, revenue was down 40% from last year.

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Circulation also dropped from 800,000 to 600,000 earlier this year, as did the magazine's frequency, from 12 issues per year to 10.

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Said editor in chief Danyel Smith, "It is with great sadness, and with heads held high, that we leave the building

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. We were assigning a Michael Jackson tribute issue when we got the news. It's a sad day for music - for hip hop, in particular.


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