Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Demi Lovato may have recently split with Trace Cyrus, but she finds time to chat to her best friend – his sister, Miley – every day
Demi Lovato

And what does the 16-year-old call Miley in those chats? "Dragon." She tells the September issue the nickname comes from "our fave film, She adds the megastar has "given me so much advice" to help her cope with fame.
Demi Lovato smile

Recently she sent me this four-page text message encouraging me and telling me she has faith in me. It was so inspiring and made me feel great – because I do get a bit overwhelmed by the paps sometimes.
Demi Lovato sexy

As for her other celebrity pals, the Jonas Brothers, Lovato says, "Everyone asks me if I fancy them but I totally don't
Demi Lovato hot

She can afford a joke now about the attention she gets, but it wasn't so easy a few years ago. She says the bullying she endured at school stemmed from her new-found fame. "I opened a show for JoJo once and the next day my class passed round a petition to 'Get Demi Out,' and then handed it to me. It was pretty devastating.
Demi Lovato photo

"But the final straw was when I was chased into the toilets by girls threatening to punch me. I was so scared I called Mum – we decided I'd stay at home after that. But it made me more focused on writing my music and spurred me on to want success."